


+ How do I prep for my lash appointment?

Please arrive with no make-up. Try to avoid beverages with caffeine, as it will make your eyes flutter during the service. Come prepared knowing you will not be able to get your lashes wet for the next 24 hours. (Exercise, shower, etc.)

+ How do I care for my lash extensions?

Always treat your lashes with gentle care. Do not use cotton rounds, Q-tips or face wipes as they will pull and snag on your lash extensions.Brush daily with a lash wand, (we will provide you with one). Do not use mascara, it will affect your retention and break down the adhesive. Do not rub, pick or pull at your lashes. Do not use a lash curler on your lashes. Do not use products around the eye area that contain oil as it will break down the adhesive and affect your rention. Schedule regular fills to maintain fullness!

+ Will lash extensions damage my natural lashes?

No, when lash extensions are applied safely and with correct isolation, no damage occurs.

+ How long do lash extensions last?

With proper care lashes can last up to 5 weeks. Since you lose 2-5 natural lashes a day, fills are important if you want to maintain the look of fullness.


+ How long does my hair need to be?

+ Hair must be no shorter than 1/4 of an inch long. (About the size of a grain of rice).

+ How do I prep for my wax appointment?

No tanning beds, high sun exposure or peels before/after 72 hours of service. If this is your first time and you're concerend about pain, we recommend taking advil 30 minutes prior to your service. No Retin-A, Acutane or other Keratolytic medications currently or in the last 3 months. No sunburned skin or skin that's still recovering from a recent laser peel.

+ How often do I need to be waxed?

The baseline recommendation is every 4 weeks. That goes for everything; brows to brazilian. Although some clients experience a slower or faster rate of hair growth and that time can be changed accordingly, so we will help you guage when you should return.

+ Do I need to cancel my appointment if I have my period?

No! It doesn't bother us at all. Just use a tampon and we will work around the string.

+ Why should I wax?

Waxed hair grows back smooth and fine, unlike the stubble that shaving causes. And each time you wax the hair follicle weakens and can eventually die, leaving you with less hair. Waxing also lasts significantly longer than other epilation methods.